Tori in the media


Commenting on how her business has been affected during the lockdown.

“Personally, I’ve been very fortunate that my business is doing better than ever at the moment. With my clients, we really shifted focus to building the brand community through social media platforms, as generating brand loyalty which results in future sales is what will allow brands to come out of this thriving. Plus, as the weeks have gone on I think brands have realised the importance of PR to compete with the others in the industry, especially with health booming. I’ve been inundated with new business requests and feel very fortunate”.


Tori contributed to a piece on mindful fitness.

“A few studios such as Rowbots are now incorporating mental fitness into their workouts,” explains fitness and wellness comms guru, Tori Porter.

‘Focus on why you are working out. Are you working out because you want to or because you’re forcing yourself to?’, says Tori.

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Women’s Fitness Magazine

Tori speaks about how exercise has benefited her mental health. Quoted as a Fitness & Wellbeing PR Expert.

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Hello! Fashion Monthly

Tori was featured as the Fitness Feed to Follow. Her personal Instagram was complimented as a “non-preachy fitness guide” and for featuring easy-to-read class reviews and Instagrammable breakfast bowls.

Women’s Health

Tori was interviewed by Women’s Health about her experience coming off the pill and balancing her hormones. She shared the 11 things she did and learned in a huge piece.

Marie Claire

Tori shared some tips as to how she relaxes with Marie Claire.


Tori was featured in an article on Transformation Retreats by Hello! Magazine. Tori gave her comments on travel trends, as well as detailed her experience when she attended her client, Harvest Series’, retreat! This also provided coverage for the client.


Tori contributed to an article on Mental Health Lessons learned in lockdown. The key takeaway for Tori was that having time to sit with your feelings is both healthy & productive.

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Women’s Fitness

Tori contributed to an article on Healthy Lockdown Habits. Tori used lockdown to start & complete her Personal Training qualification & spoke to Women’s Fitness magazine about this.

Get The Gloss

Reframing your thoughts on Mondays. “I see Mondays as “thank god I’ve got a reason to be productive today,” says wellbeing PR Tori Porter. “I find weekends harder because we're faced with two whole days where we aren't working and have nothing to do."


Tori contributed to an article on health fixes to feel better in 2024.

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Tori Porter, fitness and wellbeing communications specialist takes pride in making her clients’ lives easier. “I transcribe clients' voice notes so they don't have to write answers for features. If I don't have a client that fits a journalists' request, I will always send them an option of another expert or small business I know. Not only does it help both parties but it’s good karma!”